Unity 2017.1 compatibility

Since the Unity 2017 update, the defines UNITY_MIN_5_3 and UNITY_MIN_5_4 and so on are no longer defined, which means that some of the properties PUN is relying on, is using obsolete things. For instance SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName.

We are using v1.85 (which is currently the latests it looks like). We could write our own patch for this, but we are curious as to why this has not been fixed yet?

Upstairs Digital


  • Hi @UpstairsDigital,

    we are working on things like this. Please note, that the latest PUN version is a few days older than the latest Unity version. We therefore just tested, if PUN is working with Unity 2017.1 at all - which it actually does besides some possible hints that deprecated or obsolete calls are used. Means that PUN 1.85 is compatible to Unity 2017.1. Version specific changes to get rid of these warnings will be deployed with the next updates of PUN.