WSA "Best region" Issue - ExitGames.Client.Photon.PingWindowsStore


I'm getting the following error in my Windows Store Build when it's trying to connect to Photon.

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Default constructor not found...ctor() of ExitGames.Client.Photon.PingWindowsStore'

As a result is seems Photon is unable to ping for the best region and thus cannot connect. So i also receive the

"TimeoutDisconnect while connecting to: Check if the server is available."

- The issue is not with my network or firewall since all other devices (Android/PC/iOS) which are on the same Wifi, can successfully ping for the best region.

I'm using Unity 2017.1.0f3 and Photon 1.85. Build Settings are D3D and Il2CPP. I've added the capabilities "InternetClient" and "InternetClientServer" and I've tried unticking WSAPlayer from /Plugins/Metro/Photon3Unity3D Import Settings.

I did not have these issues when i used a fixed region.
Please let me know how i can fix this issue.

Many thanks


  • iddqd
    Ok, apparently the issue is that IL2CPP Stripping removes that class. So i solved it by simply adding
    PingWindowsStore ps = new PingWindowsStore();
    In my code, making sure that PingWindowsStore will be included.
  • jeanfabre

    Ok, yes, the bext way to solve this properly would be to have a new entry in the Photon link.xml, but I can't seem to nail it right now. We need to figure out how to properly reference it.


  • jeanfabre

    It turns out to be a lot more complex and twisted than expected, we are working on this. Meanwhile we are open to suggestions of course, we may end up with implementing your trick to bypass the link.xml as It's not obvious how one can make sure the syntax for link.xml entry is correct... and it could be a something else totally on top of that...

