OnPhotonSerializeView and messages per second.


I just have a quick question, i have a ton of falling rocks (let's say 20) in my scene that just keep spawning, and each of them has a photon view with transform view and rigidbody view and all that... That gets synchronized by the OnPhotonSerializeView method i think.
I have my send rate set to 20, does every rock in my scene counts as 20 messages per second, resulting in a whopping 20*20 = 400 msg/s just for these 20 rocks? or are the messages of all OnPhotonSerializeView neatly packed in a single one making it 20msg/s for all the rocks? (unless theres too much and i overcome the maximum message size of course but let's not talk about that)

I think it is the latter, but had to ask just in case... and i couldn't find a clear and definitive answer on the subject.

thank you for your answers =D