First player okey but second disappear

In my question , i have one spawn point and every player will just spawn from one location ; So in this issue first player spawn and connect correctly to the server and everything is okey . However when the other player instantiated in from that position it look like approximately one second going up and disappear . There is an interesting point in this issue is when i arrange the spawn point for the second player as different position , that works correctly i want to use just one point for spawnings please help me :) Code parts like this ;

void OnJoinedRoom()

Debug.Log("Joined Room");

if (prefab == null)
Debug.LogError("Missing playerPrefab Reference. Please set it up in GameObject 'Game Manager'", this);
Debug.Log("We are Instantiating LocalPlayer from " );

PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(,yeni[PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayers], Quaternion.identity, 0);
