CustomProperties crash?

Hello, when I call something like this:
int ai = (int) PhotonNetwork.playerList[index].CustomProperties["avatarIndex"];
...I'm getting a crash (well, a NullReferenceException) if the "avatarIndex" property doesn't already exist. Essentially it's returning null and it's crashing trying to convert to a non-nullable type. Is there a better way to do this?

I realise I could code it as:
Object ob =PhotonNetwork.playerList[index].CustomProperties["avatarIndex"];
int ai = (ob == null) ? 0 : (int) ob;
But that's quite a mouthful every time I want to access the data. I guess I could also pre-initialise the customProperties too, but I wondered if you were aware of the crash?


  • Hi @moofly,

    checking if values are null is the right way here. You can also use TryGetValue function on the CustomProperties Hashtable.
    object ai;
    if (PhotonNetwork.playerList[index].CustomProperties.TryGetValue("avatarIndex", out ai))
        // do something
    However you will still have to cast the object to the target type.