better way to synchronise game pickup items, joining player getting rpcs for dead views

I've noticed an issue with my game, and am wondering how to redesign to get around it. With certain loot objects, i'm using rpcs successfully, masterclient authoritative. The objects are either destroyed or instantiated base on these RPCs.

The objects in question are storage lockers - fixed gameobject in game that contain other items, that are swapped in and out - players can add items into the box from their own inventory [rpc to master to create item in box] and take items out to keep [rpc to master to destroy item in box].
anytime a player interacts with the locker, rpc is sent to master to gather latest contents list.
[Obviously there are other rpcs sent to update the players inventory with this activity, but these are not the problem as far as i can tell].

However a player joining the game later, is getting buffered RPCs for the objects that no longer exist [as they were already picked up/destroyed].
The game isn't crashing, I'm just getting warnings in the console, but I have realised I need to handle this in a better way.

I have a few ideas already but I'm not sure they're good ideas:
1. dont buffer these rpcs only send to master - push to new player when they query the list [if they come within trigger range of the object for example] - problem with that is that when a player takes an item out of the box the other players will need to be notified they have this object in their possession now.

3. dont destroy the item, maybe turn off its renderers instead, although that will still result in rpc being sent to new player when something happens to that object
4. have looked into custom room properties and that looks very promising but am not sure that adding in hundreds of pickup items to custom room properties is a good way to go about things or if it's possible
5. back to not putting photonviews on the items at all and syncing whether they exist or do not another way.

I'm still looking into this but was hoping someone has some ideas, thanks!